Hooray! We're already halfway through the pregnancy. Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman's life. Well, not everyone has to agree with me but it truly is a miracle. I cried the moment we first laid our eyes on our little baby inside my womb. Me and my husband immediately fell in love. Our baby was still an inch and a half long at that time, but was already active: squirming and jumping around mommy's womb. Awww!

Pregnancy Symptoms
Many of my friends would ask me if I've been experiencing morning sickness or any other pregnancy symptoms. I'm happy to report that I don't. It was normal and almost uneventful that I don't even feel pregnant at all. Well, until my bump grew out.
But I felt a little tired during the first trimester that I wished I'd just sleep through the entire duration of the pregnancy and wake up when it's time to give birth. :D
If you're experiencing fatigue and tiredness during your first trimester, don't worry it'll get better on the second trimester. In fact, I was able to do my core & aerobic exercises with moderation in my second trimester. Oh, and don't forget the kegels! Make sure to ask your doctor/midwife if it's safe to do so.
Check out my post: 5 Things To Do When You Find Out You're Pregnant.

Body Changes
Our bodies change during pregnancy. This may be hard to swallow for most women, but that's how our body accommodates the tiny little one growing inside the womb. The recommended total weight gain for a woman with a normal weight before pregnancy is around 25-35 lbs. You don't have to eat for two just eat better for the baby's growth and development. Your body needs only about 300 calories more each day.
Stretch Marks
I'm a bit wary of stretch marks so I try my best not to scratch my belly. Applying oils might help. I've used Burt's Bee's Lemon & Vitamin E oil and Sweet almond oil with Vitamin E. I apply the oil immediately after I shower and/or when my belly starts to itch. I've used the shea butter version earlier but my midwife advises me against it because it can affect the baby's heartbeat. Better be on the safe side.
[UPDATE] Unfortunately, I got the stretch marks. Boo. The oils didn't help at all. It could be because I'm a petite woman. The baby needs more room to grow. And I got the PUPPS in the last month of my pregnancy too. :(

The Growing Baby Bump
My baby bump started to grow out in the second trimester. Up until now, I was still trying to squeeze in my regular clothes. I'm glad I had a lot of loose-fitting tops in my closet. Since my jeans no longer zip up, I've used a belly band to hold them up. Just a little advice: Stop wearing your regular clothes if it's already too tight. That's just uncomfortable!
Baby Movements
The most wonderful part of pregnancy happened when I started to feel our baby's first movements. Ah, how wonderful are the twitterings of life from our growing baby inside! Fetal movement varies from woman to woman. This is my first pregnancy and I first started to feel our baby move on my 17th week. My husband was able to feel it too on the 20th week. Awww! We're already starting to bond as a family. Because my little tenant is an active baby, his kicks & squirms are keeping me awake late at night. Um sometimes, but not always.

Black Suede Booties from Steve Madden | Zara Looney Tunes Minaudiere Bag | Black Stripe Heavy-Knit Shift Dress from Old Navy | Denim Dress from T.J. Maxx
Pregnancy is indeed a wonderful time in a woman's life. It's no wonder I'm able to say that! It truly is a miracle!