It's sure tough to be a mom. Definitely, a challenging role!
Now our little boy has grown up. He is no longer a baby. But in his toddling phase. Honestly, it's a frustrating stage. The screams, the tantrums, the public meltdowns. Ugh!
One time, before the lockdown, we were at Walmart. Our son was fascinated by the bottle of shampoos in the beauty aisle. He leisurely took his time and checked them one by one just like mom. When I finally found the item I was looking for, I told him it's time to go.
He refused. He insisted to stay. A battle of the wills ensued. To my horror, he rolled on the floor and screamed. My husband quickly picked our little boy up while he was wiggling his way out.
I couldn't escape the judgemental and sympathetic look of the other customers passing by. Parent-shamed!

Bedtime is crazy stressful. We received never-ending complaints from our neighbor downstairs due to noise. This all stemmed from our son's eczema issue.
The itchy skin condition often awakens our son in the wee hours of the night. It was worst during wintertime. Not only is he awake, but he also runs out of our bedroom accompanied by screaming at the top of his lungs. As if trying to get away from something.
If you lived in an apartment made of paper-thin materials, everyone near your unit will unavoidably share the uproar. Sigh!
Sure, these behaviors are normal in toddler development. They have many things going on inside they can't fully express yet. Parents need to be patient right? That's the ideal but it does not always happen.
When I too turn unreasonable and raise my voice back, I couldn't help feeling like a villain -- a bad mom. In our heart of hearts, we do not mean harm. We all wish for our children to grow into happy, compassionate adults, reaching for their dreams.
But we will lose it many times.
Yet, again and again, I kept reminding myself, I am not alone in this power struggle. Other parents out there are experiencing the same. And many who have gone ahead said, It's all worth it!
If you're a mother of a toddler who is experiencing the same high and lows of parenting, you are not alone. You are not a bad mom. If your little one is healthy, happy, eating well, and bouncy like a ball. You are doing a good job! Learn to forgive and pick yourself up.
Raising a toddler can be frustrating, confusing, demanding. To moms who are in this stage, the screams, the shouts, the tantrums, the meltdowns will one day be over. Children grow up fast.
So cheer up. It's okay if you mess up. You did your best. And remember, it's all worth it!