As of present, after the nth number of Ontario lockdowns were lifted -- we've had many lockdowns I couldn't keep up --- we decided to take another afternoon walk in the area. In fact, this was due to our 3-year-old's hint, reciting monologues while playing. Perhaps he felt something magical about the place. Our last visit painted a happy euphoria on his heart.
We drop by last weekend. After fresh snow has fallen. And oh, how magical it looked.
Though molding a snow angel has been on my mind for years, I couldn't bring myself to lie on the white ground and do it. Why? 'Coz I'm scared to unearth dog poop, urine, or whatever surprising dirt lying underneath. Haha. I see them on the sidewalk often when I take a wintry walk around the neighborhood.

The place may appear deserted, but they were a number of people when we came. Most were doing cross-country skis, snowshoeing, others were walking their dogs and us? We were only there for photos. (lol)
It has been a year since we move to Ottawa and although I'm interested to engage in winter activities -- whatever kind of activities -- I'm simply laden with excuses. Number one being that I married a languid person. (lol) But of course, no one is holding me back but me.
My little boy does like to go with me on my afternoon walks -- whatever season it may be -- but he slows me down. It's much preferable to go alone. He also joins me on my 20-minute workout sessions at home, which brings me laughter while gasping for breath. I pray he keeps this up till adulthood (unlike somebody I know :P).

Occasional winds blow the snow resting the treetops, which appear like snow is falling from our stills.
We didn't stay long. In fact, we only plod a few meters, drove off, and went shopping. Didn't I tell you about the recent reopening? We have to make the most of it because who knows what'll happen tomorrow. Perhaps there'll be another lockdown, followed by a reopening, then repeat to infinity and beyond.

If you're wondering what that maroon skirt is all about, it's a tulle skirt. I bought it for our firstborn's maternity shoot -- that firstborn being the little boy I'm holding hands in the picture above -- which never materialize. But since I'm always wearing a coat in for the cold, might as well wear it often. Anyway, it doesn't look too jarring underneath piles of clothing.
In case you're interested, more colors here. Or click the image links below.
Well, I hope you have an awesome weekend! Stay awesome. ;)