The hubby left me alone on the ice. It's only been a few minutes since I've learned how to balance my weight using the rented ice skating shoes. I'll have to cover about half a mile, give or take, to get back to the pavilion. If it's you, will you be up for the challenge?
I've never skated my whole life, including roller skates. Here you'll be learning tips from a wannabe. If you're looking for advanced lessons, this is not the place to be. But if you're curious to know what it's like for the first time. Keep on reading...

Winterlude in Ottawa
A weekend ago, we drove to Dow's Lake to join in the kick-off celebration of Ottawa's annual winter festival called The Winterlude. Earlier that day, an ice skate triathlon opened the festivity.Ice skating is hilarity! I couldn't stop emitting waves of laughter every skate of the way. Haha. For someone who's attached to her warm sanctuary, I'm astonished to discover this winter activity fun. You'll find it a pleasure too. Enough to bait you out to the Canadian cold.
Skate Rentals
During winter, Dow's Lake and the Rideau Canal freezes transforming the body of water into the world's largest naturally frozen skating rink designated by the Guinness World Records. It has a length of over 7 kilometers.You need winter gear to ice skate. We rented the ice skating shoes and a Giant Santa Sleigh for the kiddo at the Dow's Lake Pavilion. Pricing here.
For car parking, it is located directly across the street from the Dow's Lake Pavilion. The parking fee costs $14 CAD.

How I Learn to Ice Skate in My First Try
1. I couldn't emphasize this enough, make sure your ice skating shoes are the right fit. Do proper lacing so that your feet are naturally positioned inside the boots. This allows the boots to work efficiently as an extension of your body guaranteeing the best performance.I didn't tighten mine properly to support my ankles. My progress was hindered due to this. Why didn't anyone tell me beforehand? Moving on...
2. Watch a video tutorial. I didn't plan to glide on the ice that day so I did this on the spot. I suggest you do your homework before coming.
3. Get a feel of what it's like for the first time. We rented a Giant Santa Sleigh for support. This allowed me to move on the ice while the hubby pushed the sleigh forward.

Beaver's Tail is a must-try in Ottawa! Don't you ever forget that, okay? It's really yummy!
4. Apply what you've learned into practice. When we stop for snacks, I started to venture out on my own following the tips gleaned from the video tutorial. Talk about baby steps. Expect to trip many times over!
To avoid falling on your back, put your weight in front, bending your knees a little. It's essential to protect your head, especially if you don't have headgears on.
On the way back, I alternated from skating to sitting on the sleigh. When we got near the Dow's Lake Pavilion, the hubby went ahead with the sleigh leaving me behind to figure out my way back. Sly!
But I made it back on my own. Yay!

He then asked me how I pulled it off. I said the moment I stopped worrying about my footing shifting my focus on where I'm going and visualizing myself skating, I was able to push onward.
To learn the basics, check the video tutorial here.

There you go, friend. I hope my experience gave you an insight on how to ice skate in your first try. Have fun! Talk to you soon. ;)