It goes without saying, the famous mathematical equation of the Special Theory of Relativity (given above) is synonymous with the name Albert Einstein. It's hard to separate the two.
Here we'll look at the summarized highlights of this famed scientist's life gleaned from the book.
Scroll down till the end to read my book review of Albert Einstein: Father Of the Modern Scientific Age by Michael W. Simmons.

The Compass
It was when he was around 4 or 5. He was lying ill in bed at that time and his father showed him a compass.This behavior in a compass seeking magnetic north created in him a deep and lasting impression that help set the course of his life's work.
Below's an excerpt from the book.
"He had, by that age, already dispensed with the idea of invisible forces such as God—his family, though Jewish, was not religiously observant, and as a child, Einstein determined quickly that the stories he heard from the Bible could not possibly be true.
But the presence of natural physical forces acting on the world around him was evidenced by the sight before his eyes, and the wonder he experienced at that moment would set the course for his life’s work."
This comes as a surprise to me, Albert Einstein had difficulty finding an academic job from the beginning. In fact, He had it tough!This was before WWII. Being a Jew in Europe at that time is a challenge. Fame is no exception!
Furthermore, I can't believe he wrote the Special Theory of Relativity while working in a patent office. I thought, he worked on this as a professor at a university. How wrong I was!
Glad I read Albert Einstein: Father Of the Modern Scientific Age by Michael W. Simmons. It corrected my faulty knowledge of the famous scientist's life. :D
Another discovery is, he actually wrote the Special Theory of Relativity with 3 other papers in a year. Wow, that's four papers that revolutionized modern science! Mind-blowing!
I'd like to share more but I'd be taking away the joy of discovery from you if I do so.
So yes, grab your copy of Albert Einstein: Father Of the Modern Scientific Age by Michael W. Simmons here. Click the image link below!
Book Review
I enjoyed my time reading this book. I even feel like a genius now. Haha.Myths about Albert Einstein's life circulate the stratosphere. I had my misconceptions too until I read this biography. You'll find if you just seek. ;)
Although I liked reading this book, I'm giving one star less because the scientific explanations are hard to grasp.
This is no fault of the book nor of the author. I'm not well versed in scientific terms and explanations so that explains why. But don't let that deter your fascination to study this famous scientist's life.
Rating: 4/5
In Conclusion
Yes, I'd recommend it!I hope my book review of Albert Einstein: Father Of the Modern Scientific Age by Michael W. Simmons is helpful. Don't forget to grab your copy from the image link above!
Well, you have an awesome day then! See you in my next book review. ;)
I'am only passionately curious!
~ Albert Einstein