McKinney Falls State Park is a state park located at the southeastern edge of Austin, Texas, the United States around the confluence of Onion and Williamson Creeks and is administered by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Eons past, much of Texas was covered by a shallow sea. The sediments deposited during this period lithified into the limestone rock underneath the park's soil and were exposed by erosion around the creek bed. Aquatic reptiles swam in the sea as evidenced by a complete skeleton of a mosasaur found in the rocks of Onion Creek not far from the park.
A volcano, now long extinct and called "Pilot Knob," spewed debris into the surrounding sea. The streams of soft volcanic debris eroded faster than the hard limestone. The removal of the softer layers and undercutting of the limestone by the water led the falls to be formed over thousands and thousands of years. ~ Wiki

Last weekend was spent on this beautiful park in Austin. McKinney Falls State Park is an ideal spot for camping, swimming, picnic. There are cabins in the area for an overnight stay. I love this place! It gave me lots of time to breathe and think. It was a big park! Lots of people are spending their weekend here as well. I love Austin!
You might also like to read my #ootd post from our weekend trip at McKinney Falls State Park. You can check it out from this link.