[Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Summer 2022]
What's Been Going On?
The company I work with cut off 3,000 jobs last August. Half of my team was gone. It's crazy stressful since then. Of course, the show must go on. The survivors must pick up work left behind. I scrambled to maintain the pace. To destress, I make sure to take early evening walks.
But then, I got sick. Hearing a strained and raspy voice from my end, the team leader got concerned. She suggested I take a rest.
"I got no headache and fever so it's fine. I get bored doing nothing anyway." was my response.
Thus, I keep hustling despite the malady. I may give off workaholic vibes but it's true. I'd feel sicker doing nothing.
In fact, I do overtime with no pay 2-3 days a week. Sometimes 4. Just because some enigmas don't leave my head. Coding or setup-related issues need to be cracked and it must be now (lol). Although, I try to limit that at present. The best way to solve the problem is to step out and give it time.
Also, I found a new form of entertainment in the evenings. That is... challenge my husband to a coding duel. Nah. More like, I enjoy expanding my knowledge in the IT verse, particularly in software programming, and answering Leetcode problems on paper -- which means less time stringing words. Ha.
Yep, I train myself to solve problems using the pen first before the keyboard. My thought process is... if I don't get it on a writing pad chances are I won't get it on the computer either.
My son started kindergarten this September. Every morning during the first week, he was in tears, asking, "Why do I have to go to school?" He felt scared and alone. Separation anxiety. Well, he hasn't been away that long from us since birth so it's a given.
But now? He'd still be complaining but for a different reason. That is... why does daddy tarry in the mornings to send him to school. Haha.
Season of Change
Soon, the trees will turn gold. Cold weather sweeps the north. Just as the season changes like a dream, so a major change is also about to happen to our family life.
After three years of waiting, we finally got our US green card visa. Yay! We will be moving back to Texas soon.
We had our interview at the US Embassy in Montreal early this September. We got the results on the interview date itself. Once the visa arrives, we can cross the border anytime. But of course, the process won't be easy peasy.
We still need to pack our stuff, resign from my current work, transfer our kid to a new school in Austin, find a new apartment, etc. Phew, the things to do are overwhelming.
Breathe, Gladys Jane. We can do this one step at a time.
I think I've said or written too much. Until the next update then. And oh, I hope for the best for you and your loves ones too. Have an awesome week! ;)