Our movements were constricted. The future looked bleak. Businesses face bankruptcy. Many lose their jobs or fear they would one day do. Fear and worry hovered day and night. It was a year unlike any other.
I've been publishing 'years in review' over the years, but wow, 2020 is a peculiarity. Does it inaugurate a new era? We shall see in the coming days.
For this post, I'll be memorializing our year's highlights. Of course, you don't have to endure reading this. It's for our family entertainment (or for me to look back to in the years to come).
Why not check out the life lessons section?

Still here? Okay. Here's our Year in Review: Remembering 2020.
We spent my birthday in Montreal, Canada: Montreal Travel in Winter + Food Recommendations.
Around this time, I noticed an improvement in my thought life. I've suffered from chronic depression for 2 years. Check out my post: The 7 ways That Help Me Overcome Depression.
We traveled to Quebec, Canada for my husband's birthday. Check out Things to Do in Quebec, Canada in Winter: Petit Champlain and Hotel De Glace.
Got discharged from work. Lockdown begins...
After 2 months of huddling inside the home, we braved the park. We checked out the famed tulips in Ottawa during springtime: See the Tulip Festival in Spring.
We celebrated our only son's birthday. He turned 3. Check out the 3 Parenting Lessons I've Learned As a 3-year-old Mom.
Moving again. We transferred to a newly built townhouse rental last weekend of the month. Check out my post: A Place We Could Finally Call Home.
Launched my faith-centered blog: Shouts of Wisdom.
Who would have thought a 'grammatically-incompetent', 'spelling-challenged' person like me could write? Well, anybody could improve in anything through diligence and hard work.
Though my brain is infested with thick layers of cobwebs acquired through years of sedentary existence, still, I pursued advancement to improve my writing. Here's my entry for #COMPELplatformchallenge Why I Write?
My old boss contacted me for a part-time work opportunity. Yay! I love having my own income because I like to travel (of course, not now) and shop. ;)
Back to work. I face a new challenge now. How do I balance my time with family, home responsibilities, writing and reading, and work?
Oh, don't forget to check out How We Decorated Our Townhouse Rental for Christmas 2020 too.
How did the year 2020 went for you?
Lest I forget. I wish you and your loved ones an Expected New Year!
You have an awesome last weekend of 2020 then.