Do you have questions like, "Is someone actually going to read my blog posts?" "Do I have what it takes to influence someone through my writing?"
Do you struggle with writer's block?

I Write Anyway!
Here's the thing, everyone has doubts. No one is immune. I repeat, no one is immune! Yes, even from best amongst us.The place where I trip most of the time is when I compare what I've done from what others have.
Disparaging thoughts like "What you say don't matter!" "Oh, it's nothing much!" "No one is going to read what you write anyway!" would then bombard my mind, pulling me down to the abyss of low self-worth.
But I write anyway! I had people telling me things as, I suck at writing, but I write anyway!
Will you improve if you stop? Will you let the opinions of others dictate what you do? Geez, I don't even listen to my mom's views all of the time. Why would an outsider's words matter?
I won't deny, of course, it hurts! It feels like a tight pressure trying to crush my heart. Funny thing is, I get release when I put my feelings into words. :D
So I write anyway!
You’re here to be you, so the only measuring stick you need is your own improvement.
~ Henri Junttila
7 Nuggets from the Book
Here are my top 7 favorite gleanings from the book. I believe the author's thoughts will help enlighten you with some of your tough questions. Just as it did mine!- What others think is none of your business. What matters is that you feel inspired to write.
- When you compare your writing to someone else, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Your writing doesn’t have to be like someone else. It has to be you.
- It is only through putting in the work and learning the basics that you will succeed.
- If I ever find myself stuck, I imagine that your ideal reader is interviewing you. Think about what questions your ideal reader wants to be answered, and answer them in your post.
- Even on bad days, you can still have a conversation, you can still talk. That means that you can still write.
- Not everyone will love your blog, but that’s just a sign that you’re writing from your heart. Share your experiences and you will attract the right readers.
- A fear I had, in the beginning, was that I didn’t want to write about what others had already covered. I got over that quickly, because I realized that my readers wanted to hear my perspective. They wanted me to touch on topics that had already been covered a million times because no one had written about those topics in the way I did.
Write Blog Posts Readers Love Book Review
I'm grateful to have found Write Blog Posts Readers Love by Henri Junttila on Amazon. I enjoyed my time reading the book and learn a plethora of blogging tips in the process. Tips, that I've immediately implemented on my blog posts.I'm grateful to have read this book! I even kept on coming back to my notes! It's that good! To the author, thank you!
Rating: 5/5
In Conclusion
I love it! It's an amazing read. I'd recommend it to everyone aspiring to write blog posts readers love. It's an excellent material for blogging!Grab your copy of Write Blog Posts Readers Love: A Step-by-Step Guide by Henri Junttila below. CLICK the link!
There you go, friend. I hope my book review of Write Blog Posts Readers Love by Henri Junttila is helpful! If you're a blogger or aspiring to be one, this book is what you need. Trust me, it's worth the read!