As mentioned from my previous post: Bali Whole Day Tour, I'll be sharing with you in much detail my experience at Lumbung Sari (The House of Coffee). Lumbung Sari (House of Coffee) located at Ubud Area with a harvested rice field as it's background.
The first thing that caught my attention during our visit here is the luak cat. Our guide told us that this cat would eat the coffee fruit. What happens is that the bean from the coffee fruit is not digested from the cat's stomach so it will just go out of its body as a waste (droppings). From its droppings, they make the luwak coffee (kopi luwak).
The luak, that’s a small catlike animal, gorges after dark on the most ripe, the best of our crop. It digests the fruit and expels the beans, which our farm people collect, wash, and roast, a real delicacy. Something about the natural fermentation that occurs in the luak’s stomach seems to make the difference. For Javanese, this is the best of all coffees—our Kopi luak.
—Doyo Soeyono Kertosastro, Indonesian Coffee Farmer, March 1981 National Geographic[18]
After the whole process, this now becomes the most expensive coffee in the world. To be honest, I feel sorry for the caged cat. :( At Lumbung Sari, you also get to see an employee roasting the coffee bean from the cat's droppings (don't worry it has already been washed).
At Rp. 50,000 you can avail of their coffee and tea tasting before deciding which flavor to buy. They offer...
The funny thing is that they also sell a coffee that will improve potency. Our guide keeps on insisting my husband to buy one. I could still remember the guide's face when he tried to sell a bag at my husband.
He even suggested to buy for our friends and not tell them about its benefits. LoL! (That would be a fun experiment for our newly married friends). Anyway, before our guide could make any advances and I immediately jumped in and said a resounding No! Ahaha!
He even suggested to buy for our friends and not tell them about its benefits. LoL! (That would be a fun experiment for our newly married friends). Anyway, before our guide could make any advances and I immediately jumped in and said a resounding No! Ahaha!
We spent Rp. 990,000.00 at Lumbung Sari (House of Coffee). Other than coffees & teas, we also bought a set of burners, candles and some essential oils for our room back in Singapore.

You can also take a photo of the luak cat and some animals at the place if you want. Notice the luak cat in the middle photo.
Don't miss out on my Travel Guide to Bali Indonesia from this link.
Don't miss out on my Travel Guide to Bali Indonesia from this link.